SWEET LAND (opera)
Los Angeles State Historic Park (site specific)
The Industry
Music by Raven Chacon and Du Yun
Libretto by Aja Couchois Duncan and Douglas Kearney
Directed by Cannupa Hanska Luger and Yuval Sharon
Projection Design by Hana S. Kim
Scenic Design by Tanya Orellana and Carlo Maghirang
Lighting Design by Jeanette Oi-Suk Yew
Sound Design by Jody Elff
Photography by Casey Kringlen and Neil Matsumoto
The Industry
Music by Raven Chacon and Du Yun
Libretto by Aja Couchois Duncan and Douglas Kearney
Directed by Cannupa Hanska Luger and Yuval Sharon
Projection Design by Hana S. Kim
Scenic Design by Tanya Orellana and Carlo Maghirang
Lighting Design by Jeanette Oi-Suk Yew
Sound Design by Jody Elff
Photography by Casey Kringlen and Neil Matsumoto